Toes point outward
Toes point outward

What is internal femoral torsion or femoral anteversion? This allows for detection of the three causes of in-toeing. A gait analysis is also performed to observe to position of the knee cap and while walking or running.


These three causes of in-toeing can be identified by performing a series of measurements which involves taking six different measurements of the angles of the feet, legs, and hips when the child is in various positions. Prevention is not usually possible because they occur due developmental or genetic problems. There may be a prior family history of in-toeing. Metatarsus adductus occurs when metatarsal bones in the foot are bent inward like the shape of a kidney bean.Internal tibial torsion occurs when the tibia or shinbone in the lower leg has an inward twist in the shaft of the bone.Internal femoral torsion (also called femoral anteversion) occurs when the femur or thigh bone has an inward twist in the shaft of the bone.There are three causes of in-toeing in healthy children: To better understand the anatomy used to describe the causes of in–toeing you can follow the link to on this website to basic anatomy of the foot and the lower extremity. In a tiny proportion of children surgery will be required to correct in-toeing due to femoral or tibial torsion. In very rare cases, some children have a severe twist in the leg bone (tibia) or thigh bone (femur), which can be a concern because it looks bad, but as mentioned before this can self correct by adulthood. A shoe fitting problem might make parents consider treatment for their child. Some children with in-toeing may have problems getting shoes that fit, because of the curve in their feet. Parents can expect their child to live a normal, active, and healthy life. Children with in-toeing do not suffer from other congenital abnormalities or diseases such as arthritis. Apart from this concern, children with in-toeing are generally healthy and have no limitations in their activities or sports. The most pressing concern of parent’s is the tripping that sometimes occurs while walking. In a tiny proportion of children, this rotational unwinding that allows the feet to point straight ahead doesn’t occur on its own and might require treatment. The tripping associated with in-toeing also reduces over time. The vast majority of children who have in-toeing will gradually self correct until their feet point straight ahead as they develop into adults. In-toeing happens from birth to adolescence due to a delay in rotational or torsional unwinding during a normal bone development. In-toeing is found in about 2 out of every 1000 children. In-toeing (“pigeon toes”) describes a position where the feet turn inward instead of pointing straight ahead during walking or running. If you watch adults walk you will notice their feet will point straight ahead or outward. My goal as a chiropodist/podiatrist is to inform the concerned parent that in-toeing almost always self corrects as the child grows towards adulthood. Sometimes the child will ask to be carried instead of walking. Other concerns include the abnormal shoe wear on the outside of the toe box due to scuffing of the toes while walking and the child complaining of being tired after walking. Many parents become concerned when they see their child’s feet pointing inwards while walking, especially if it is associated with tripping.

Toes point outward